(Updated June 2021)
Funding has been sought for these spin-off projects, funding decisions have not yet been announced (in the case of a two-stage process, they have moved on to the second stage). For information about spin-off projects that have been granted funding, see Resources/Related Projects.
This project aims to contribute to the literature on distributive justice, population ethics, and philosophy of disability by responding to the normative research questions: Can the implementation of new technologies for people with disabilities (i) change responsibility for disability? (ii) change inequality patterns? and (iii) lead to a reassessment of the value of disability?
PI: Julia Mosquera. Applied to: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Swedish Research Council, Wallenberg Foundations
The aim of the project is to formulate a new approach to addressing collective harm problems, an ethics of coordination that incorporates both direct individual duties and collective duties, and to apply this approach to climate change. This provide clearer ethical guidance and efficiency in fighting climate change and would also allow us to address collective harm problems more generally.
PI: Krister Bykvist. Applied to: Future Challenges in the Nordics, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Swedish Research Council, Wallenberg Foundations
The project will advance scientific understanding of how norm and behavior change gets off the ground in situations of collective risks and how people respond to ongoing and future global threats, in particular climate threats. It will also allow us to identify novel and improved interventions to favor the formation of beneficial social norms.
PI: Giulia Andrighetto. Applied to: Formas
The main research goal of this project is to answer, from an ethical perspective, whether we may limit our population size in order to mitigate climate change. The project is divided into three subgoals, corresponding to three research questions: What moral responsibilities do parents have over their children’s emissions? Can the goal of combating climate change ethically justify sacrifice of not having an extra child? How, if at all, can population policies be ethically implemented?
PI: Henrik Andersson. Applied to: Formas
This research project is a climate ethical project, aiming to: Identify the ethical principles embedded in conservative ideology, determine the implications for climate change policy that can be derived from these principles, and clarify how a climate policy must be concretely formulated in order to be compatible with conservative values and principles.
PI: Olle Torpman. Applied to: Formas, Swedish Research Council
The project will combine quantitative and qualitative research methods to gain a deeper understanding of reasons to believe in science-based information or its counterinformation, or express outright anti-scientific attitudes. The aim is to integrate previous and current research results and to develop a model to explain how psychological and sociological factors influence decisions on which information to trust and act upon.
PI: Kirsti Jylhä. Applied to: Swedish Research Council
How does an art experience dealing with climate change actually influence its audience? Our hypothesis is that an embodied art experience of the very natural processes that are changing is a productive method of generating new knowledge. But is it also possible to integrate a psychological evaluation into the artwork itself that would show how this new knowledge has been acquired? Sensing the Arctic is an artistic research project which aims to approach these questions through connecting a land-art installation on a thawing mire in the Swedish Arctic with an immersive art exhibition where the evaluation process of the experience is an integral part of the artwork.
PI: Mats Bigert. Applied to: Swedish Research Council
The overarching purpose of this project is to explore the role of claims in distributive theory. The project will (i) conduct an in-depth analysis of how distributive theories that refer to individuals’ claims understand what a claim is and how the strengths of claims are fixed, (ii) present and analyze a new deontic view of how one ought to respond to individuals’ claims, and (iii) explore whether a differentiation between claims of existing people and claims of merely possible people can provide the foundation of a plausible theory of what to do in cases involving future generations.
PI: Anders Herlitz. Applied to: Swedish Research Council
The IFFS is applying for a one year visiting professor grant for Hilary Greaves, with the aim that she can build closer connections with Swedish researchers and continue investigating longtermism: the possibility that in many important decision situations, one of the most important things about the decision is the effects of the action on the very far future, beyond the lifetimes of the agents involved.
PI: N/A. Applied to: Swedish Research Council
There are potential outcomes where the global averege temperature increases by six degrees celsius of more, and that risk triggering a global collapse of civlizations. This project will describe, develop and explain these scenarios and potential outcomes and their social and political consequences. The aim is to educate persons in public service and policy development (such as think-tanks, researchers etc) about these extreme possibilities and how our choices kan cause or prevent these outcomes.
PI: Karim Jebari, Applied to: Formas