Publications and Reports

Working paper series

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. VI. Working paper series 2024:10–17. Editors: Julia Mosquera & Olle Torpman. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. V. Working paper series 2023: 1-11. Editors: Tim Campbell & Olle Torpman. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. IV. Working paper series 2021: 11-23. Editors: Joe Roussos & Paul Bowman. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. III. Working paper series 2021:1-10. Editors: Joe Roussos & Paul Bowman. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. II. Working paper series 2020:1-11. Editors: Paul Bowman & Katharina Berndt Rasmussen. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations: Vol. I. Working paper series 2019:1–11. Editors: Paul Bowman & Katharina Berndt Rasmussen. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Project Reports

2021 Report and Self-Evaluation of the Program Climate Ethics and Future Generations (June 2021). Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Interim Report on Climate Ethics and Future Generations from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (November 2021).

Report and Self-Evaluation of the Program Climate Ethics and Future Generations (2019). Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Publications by the Program’s Researchers

Algander, P., & Rasmussen, K. B. (2019) Asymmetry and Non-identity. Utilitas, 31(3), 213-230.

Andersson, H, A. Herlitz. (Forthcoming) Introduction, in Incommensurability: Ethics, Risk, and Decision-Making (ed. Andersson, H & A. Herlitz), New York: Routledge.

Andersson, H. & Herlitz, A. (Forthcoming) Incommensurability: Ethics, Risk, and Decision-Making, New York: Routledge.

Andric, V. & Herlitz, A. (Forthcoming) Prioritarianism, timeslices, and prudential value, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

Andric, V. (2019) Consequentialism and Robust Goods, Utilitas, 31(3):334-342.

Andric, V. (2019) Hedonism, Desirability, and the Incompleteness Objection, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, (2):101-109.

Angell, K., & Huseby, R. (2019) Global Luck Egalitarianism and Border Control. Ratio Juris, 32(2), 177-192. 

Arrhenius G., & Mosquera J. (2019) “Positive Egalitarianism” in Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. 1. Working paper series. Institute for Futures Studies.

Arrhenius G., & Mosquera J. (Forthcoming 2021) Positive Egalitarianism Reconsidered, Utilitas.

Arrhenius G., & Tännsjö, T. “The Repugnant Conclusion”, in Edward N. Zalta (ed.) The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, together with J Torbjörn Tännsjö, forthcoming 2021 (updated version of 2017 entry).

Arrhenius, G. (2018). 人口倫理学が抱えている課題 (“Climate Change, Risk, and Population”), in Narumi Yoshikawa (ed.) クライメート・チェンジ 新たな環境倫理の探求と対話 (Global Warming, Global Ethics), Shiizukobundoshobo Co. Ltd.

Arrhenius, G. (Forthcoming) Population paradoxes without transitivity in Arrhenius G., Bykvist, K., Campbell, T., & Finneron-Burns, E. (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Arrhenius, G. “Population Ethics and Conflict-of-Value Imprecision.” In Jeff McMahan, Tim Campbell, James Goodrich, and Ketan Ramakrishnan, eds., Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming

Arrhenius, G., & Andersson, E. “Constructivist Contractualism and Future Generations”, forthcoming in Gardiner, S.M. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics, Oxford University Press.

Arrhenius, G., & Andersson, E. “The Repugnant Conclusion: An Overview”, forthcoming in Gardiner, S.M. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics, Oxford University Press.

Arrhenius, G., Budolfson M., & Spears D. (2019) Does Climate Change Policy Depend Importantly on Population Ethics? Deflationary Responses to the Challenges of Population Ethics for Public Policy. In P. J. Bowman & K. Berndt-Rasmussen (eds.). Studies on climate ethics and future generations, vol 2. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Arrhenius, G., Budolfson, M., & Spears, D. (2021) Does Climate Change Policy Depend Importantly on Population Ethics? Deflationary Responses to the Challenges of Population Ethics for Public Policy. In M. Budolfson, T. Mcpherson & D. Plunkett (eds.) Climate Change and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.

Arrhenius, G., Bykvist, K., Campbell, T., & Finneron-Burns, E. (eds.). (Forthcoming 2020). Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Arrhenius, G., T. Campbell (2018). The problem of optimal population size. In International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP) (ed.) Rethinking Society for the 21st Century. Cambridge University Press.

Asheim, G. B., Kamaga, K., & Zuber, S. (2020) Treating future people impartially implies avoiding future lives with low well-being (No. 20027). Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre dEconomie de la Sorbonne.

Bäckstrand, K. & Nasiritousi, N. (2019) International climate policy in the post Paris era. Nordic Environmental Policy Review.

Bäckstrand, K. (2021) Mot en hållbar omställning till en klimatneutral union: EUs gröna giv, klimatlag och gröna återhämtning. In A. Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A. Michalski and L. Oxelheim (eds) Vägar till ett uthålligt EUEuroperspektiv 2021. Stockholm: Santeréus.

Bader, R. (2018). Stochastic Dominance and Opaque Sweetening, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 96, No. 3, pp. 498-507.

Bader, R. (2019) Agent-Relative Prerogatives and Suboptimal Beneficence, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol. 9, pp. 223-250.

Barclay, K., & Kolk, M. (2019) Parity and mortality: an examination of different explanatory mechanisms using data on biological and adoptive parents, European Journal of Population, 35(1), 63-85.

Barclay, K., & Kolk, M. (2020) The influence of health in early adulthood on male fertility. Population and Development Review, 46(4), 757-785. 

Beard, S., Holt, L., Tzachor, A., Kemp, L., Avin, S., Torres, P., Belfield, H. (2021). Assessing climate change’s contribution to global catastrophic risk, Futures, Vol. 127:102673. 

Bonde, I., Kuylenstierna, J., Bäckstrand, K., Eckerberg, K., Kåberger, T., Löfgren, Å., ... & Sörlin, S. (2020). Klimatpolitiska rådets rapport 2020.

Bowman, P. (2019) On the alleged insufficiency of the Polluter Pays Principle. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. 1. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Bowman, P. (2020) Duties of Corrective Justice and Historical Emissions, in in K. Berndt-Rasmussen & P. Bowman (eds.). Studies in Climate Ethics vol 2. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Brandstedt, E. & Brülde, B. (2019) Towards a Theory of Pure Procedural Climate Justice, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 36:785–799, DOI: 10.1111/japp.12357.

Brandstedt, E. (2019) Non-Ideal Climate Justice, Critical Review of international Social and Political Philosophy, 22:221-234, DOI: 10.1080/13698230.2017.1334439.

Brennan, G., & Kliemt, H. (2017). Kantianism and political institutions. In The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice, Volume 1.

Brennan, G., & Sayre-McCord, G. (2020) Real world theory, complacency, and aspiration. Philosophical Studies, 1-20.

Broome, J. (2018). Efficiency and future generations. Economics and Philosophy, 34 (2), 221-241.

Broome, J. (2019) Against denialism. The Monist, 102 (1), 110-129.

Broome, J. (2019) Climate change and value. The Monist Special Edition.

Broome, J. (2019) Lessons from economics. In White, M. D. (ed.). Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Economics (pp. 585-608). Oxford University Press.

Broome, J. (2019). The Badness of Dying Early. Saving People from the Harm of Death, 105-115. 

Broome, J. (2020) Philosophy in the IPCC. In Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman (eds.) A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies. Routledge. 95–110.

Broome, J. (Forthcoming) Loosening the betterness ordering of lives: A response to Rabinowicz. In Arrhenius, G., Bykvist, K., Campbell, T., & Finneron-Burns, E. (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Bykvist, K. & Campbell, T. (forthcoming) Frick’s defence of procreative asymmetry. Climate Ethics Preprints, Institute for Futures Studies

Bykvist, K. (2018). Some critical comments on Zimmermans Ignorance and Moral Obligation. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 15(4), 383-400.

Bykvist, K. (2019) Moral uncertainty. In LaFollette, H. (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell.

Bykvist, K. (2019) Person-affecting and non-identity. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. II. Working paper series. Institute for Futures Studies.

Bykvist, K. (2019) Rational decision under radical unawareness. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia.

Bykvist, K. (2020) Consequentialism, ignorance, and uncertainty. In Portmore, D. (ed.). Oxford handbook on consequentialism. Oxford University Press.

Bykvist, K. (2020) Person-affecting and non-identity. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (ed.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. 2. Institute for Futures Studies.

Bykvist, K. (2021) [Review of the book Choosing for Changing Selves, by Richard Pettigrew] Mind.

Bykvist, K. (2021) Taking values seriously. Synthese, 1-26. 

Bykvist, K. (Forthcoming) Evaluative uncertainty and population ethics. In Arrhenius, G., Bykvist, K., Campbell, T., & Finneron-Burns, E. (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Bykvist, K. (Forthcoming) How to handle trade-offs in pandemics. Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics.

Bykvist, K. (Forthcoming) Impossibility theorems in population ethics- and all or nothing affair?. Climate Ethics Preprints, Institute for Futures Studies.

Bykvist, K., & Campbell, T. (2020) Persson’s merely possible persons. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. 2. Institute for Futures Studies.

Bykvist, K., & Campbell, T. (2020) Persson's Merely Possible Persons. Utilitas, 32(4), 479-487. 

Bykvist, K., MacAskill, & W., Ord, T. (2020) Moral uncertainty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Byskov, M. F., Hyams, K., Satyal, P., Anguelovski, I., Benjamin, L., Blackburn, S., … Heyward, C, ... & Venn, A. (2021) An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development, 13(1), 1-9. 

Byskov, M., Hymans, K. Page, E.A., et al (2021) An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development 13(1): 1-9.

Campbell, T. (2019) [Review of Meghan Sullivan, Time Biases: A Theory of Rational Planning and Personal Persistence] Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Anastasia Friel Gutting (ISSN: 1538 - 1617).

Campbell, T. (2019) Healthcare rationing and the badness of death. In Gamlund, E. & Tollef-Solberg, C. (eds.). Saving People from the Harm of Death (pp. 255-266). Oxford University Press.

Campbell, T. (2019) The bullet-biting response to the non-identity problem. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. I. Working paper series. Institute for Futures Studies.

Campbell, T. (2021) Offsetting, Denialism, and Risk. In Paul Bowman & Joe Roussos (eds.) Climate Ethics Preprint Series, vol. 3. Institute for Futures Studies

Campbell, T. (2021) Personal Identity and impersonal ethics. Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, 55. 

Campbell, T. (Forthcoming) Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, co-editor (together with Jeff McMahan, James Goodrich, & Ketan Ramakrishnan), Oxford University Press.

Campbell, T. (Forthcoming) Personal Identity and Impersonal Ethics. In Jeff McMahan, Tim Campbell, James Goodrich & Ketan Ramakrishnnan, (eds.) Principles and Persons: The Legacy of Derek Parfit, Oxford University Press, pp. 55-84

Caney, S. (2019). Democratic Reform, Intergenerational Justice and the Challenges of the Long-Term. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainability Prosperity, University of Surrey

Caney, S. (2020) Climate Justice, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

Caney, S. (2020) Human Rights, Population and Climate Change. In D. Akande, J. Kuosmanen, H. McDermott & D. Roser (eds.) Human Rights in the 21st Century: Poverty, Conflict, and the Environment, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 348-369.

Caney, S. (2020) The Right to Resist Global Injustice. In Thom Brooks (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice, Oxford: OUP.

Caney, S. (Forthcoming) Global Intergenerational Justice: A Cosmopolitan Perspective. In Stephen Gardiner (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics, OUP.

Carlson, E. (2020) Organic Unities and Conditionalism About Final Value. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 54(2), 175-181. 

Carlson, E. (2020) Reply to Klocksiem on the Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23, 407–413.

Comolli, C. L., Neyer, G., Andersson, G., Dommermuth, L., Fallesen, P., Jalovaara, M., Kolk, M, .. & Lappegård, T. (2021) Beyond the economic gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries. European Journal of Population, 37(2), 473-520. 

Crisp, R. (2018). Against partiality. Lindley Lecture Series. University of Kansas.

Crisp, R. (2018). Prudential and moral reasons. In Star, D. (ed.). Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity (pp. 800-820). Oxford University Press.

Crisp, R. (2021) Towards a Global Hedonism. In Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind Volume 1 (pp. 41-64). Oxford University Press.

Crisp, R., & Kringelbach, M. (2018). Higher and lower pleasures revisited: Evidence from neuroscience. Neuroethics, 11(2), 211-215.

Crisp, R., & Pummer, T. (2020) Effective Justice. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 17, 398-415.

De Vito, L., Fairbrother, M., & Russel, D. (2020) Implementing the Water Framework Directive and tackling diffuse pollution from agriculture: Lessons from England and Scotland. Water, 12(1), 244. 

Dooley, K., Holz, C., Kartha, S., Klinsky, S., Roberts, J. T., Shue, H., Caney, S., .. & Singer, P. (2021) Ethical choices behind quantifications of fair contributions under the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change, 11(4), 300-305. 

Duus-Otterström, G. & Edward A. Page (forthcoming). "Defeating Wrongdoing: Why Victims of Unjust Harm Should Take Priority over Victims of Bad Luck" Social Theory & Practice.

Duus-Otterström, G. (2019) “Sovereign States in the Greenhouse: Does Jurisdiction Speak Against Consumption-Based Emissions Accounting?”, in K. Berndt-Rasmussen & P. Bowman (eds.) Studies in Climate Ethics vol I.  Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Duus-Otterström, G. (2020) Liability for Emissions without laws of political institutions. In Katharina Berndt-Rasmussen & Paul Bowman (red.). Studies on climate ethics and future generations, vol 2. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Duus-Otterström, G. (2021) Fair-play obligations and distributive injustice. European Journal of Political Theory, 20(2), 167-186. 

Duus-Otterström, G. (forthcoming) Sovereign states in the greenhouse: Does jurisdiction speak against consumption-based emissions accounting. Ethics, Policy & Environment.

Duus-Otterström, G., & Hjorthen, F. D. (2019) Consumption-based emissions accounting: the normative debate. Environmental Politics, 28(5), 866-885. 

Fairbrother, M. (2019). When will people pay to pollute? Environmental taxes, political trust and experimental evidence from Britain. British Journal of Political Science, 49(2), 661-682.

Fairbrother, M., Arrhenius, G., Bykvist, K. & Campbell, T. (2020) How Much Do We Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Debt, and Attitudes towards Policies for Improving Future Lives, in P. J. Bowman & K. Berndt-Rasmussen (eds.). Studies on climate ethics and future generations, vol 2. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Fairbrother, M., Arrhenius, G., Bykvist, K. & Campbell, T. (2021) “Governing for Future Generations: How Political Trust Shapes Attitudes towards Climate and Debt Policies. Frontiers of Political Science. 3:656053

Fairbrother, M., I. Johansson Sevä, J. Kulin (2019) Political Trust and the Relationship between Climate Change Beliefs and Support for Fossil Fuel Taxes: Evidence from a Survey of 23 European Countries, Global Environmental Change, 59:102003.

Finneron-Burns, E. (2018). The intergenerational original position. Social Theory & Practice, 43(4), 805-823.

Finneron-Burns, E. (2019) [Review of Diana Coole, Should We Control World Population?] Ethics & International Affairs, 33(1).

Finneron-Burns, E. (2021) State pension schemes and the duties of retirees. In Gardiner, S. (ed.). Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Justice. Oxford University Press.

Fleurbaey, M., & Kornek, U. (2021) When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23(2), 363-375.

Fleurbaey, M., & Leppanen, C. (2021) Toward a theory of ecosystem well-being. Journal of Bioeconomics, 1-39. 

Fleurbaey, M., & Zuber, S. (2020) To Discount or Not to Discount?. Measuring the Global Burden of Disease: Philosophical Dimensions, 227.

Fleurbaey, M., & Zuber, S. (2020) A new puzzle in the social evaluation of risk (No. 20028). Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne. 

Fleurbaey, M., Pottier, A., & Zuber, S. (2020) The welfare implications of climate change-related mortality: Inequality and population ethics (No. 20026). Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne.

Frame, D. J., Harrington, L. J., Fuglestvedt, J. S., Millar, R. J., Joshi, M. M., & Caney, S. (2019). Emissions and emergence: a new index comparing relative contributions to climate change with relative climatic consequences. Environmental Research Letters, 14(8), 084009.

Franz, N., & Spears, D. (2020) Mere Addition is equivalent to avoiding the Sadistic Conclusion in all plausible variable-population social orderings. Economics Letters, 196, 109547. 

Greaves, H. (2019) A bargaining-theoretic approach to moral uncertainty (with Owen Cotton-Barratt). GPI working paper 4-2019.

Greaves, H. (2019) Against the badness of death (book chapter). In Gamlund and Solberg (eds.), Saving lives from the badness of death. OUP.

Greaves, H. (2019) Climate change and optimum population. The Monist, 102(1), 42-65. 

Greaves, H. (Forthcoming) Discounting future health (book chapter). To appear in Norheim, Emanuel, Jamison, Johansson, Millum, Otterson, Ruger and Verguet (eds.), Global health priority-setting: Cost-effectiveness and beyond, OUP.

Greaves, H. (Forthcoming) Optimum population size (book chapter). To appear in Arrhenius, Bykvist and Campbell (eds.), Oxford handbook of population ethics. OUP.

Greaves, H., & MacAskill, W. (2019) The case for strong longtermism (No. 7-2019). Global Priorities Institute Working Paper Series. GPI Working Paper. 

Gustafsson, J. (2019) Is Objective Act Consequentialism Satisfiable?, Analysis, 79 (2):193–202.

Gustafsson, J. E. (2020) Population axiology and the possibility of a fourth category of absolute value. Economics & Philosophy, 36(1), 81-110. 

Gustafsson, J. E. (2020) The Sequential Dominance Argument for the Independence Axiom of Expected Utility Theory. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

Gustafsson, J. E., & Rabinowicz, W. (2020) A Simpler, More Compelling Money Pump with Foresight. The Journal of Philosophy, 117(10), 578-589. 

Handfield, T., & Rabinowicz, W. (2018). Incommensurability and vagueness in spectrum arguments: options for saving transitivity of betterness. Philosophical Studies, 175(9), 2373-2387. 

Hassoun, N., Herlitz, A., & Esposito, L. (2020) Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: The Value of Life and the Challenge to Value Aggregation. In V. Beck, H. Hahn & R. Lepenies (eds.) Dimensions of Poverty (pp. 321-337). New York: Springer.

Herlitz, A. & N. Hassoun (2019) Distributing global health resources: Contemporary issues in political philosophy, Philosophy Compass, 14.

Herlitz, A. (2019) Nondeterminacy and population ethics. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. I. Working paper series. Institute for Futures Studies.

Herlitz, A. (2019) Nondeterminacy, two-step models and justified choice. Ethics, 129(2), 284-308.

Herlitz, A. (2020) Nondeterminacy, cycles and rational choice. Analysis, 80(3), 443-449. 

Herlitz, A. (2020) Non-transitive better than relations and rational choice, Philosophia 48: 179-189.

Herlitz, A. (2020) Spectrum arguments, parity and persistency, Theoria 86: 463-481.

Herlitz, A. (2020) Stable and unstable choices. Economics & Philosophy, 36(1), 113-125.

Herlitz, A. (Forthcoming) Nondeterminacy and reasonable choice. In Andersson, H & A. Herlitz (eds.) Incommensurability: Ethics, Risk, and Decision-Making, New York: Routledge.

Herlitz, A., & Andersson, H. (2019) A more plausible collapsing principle. Theoria, 84(4), 325-336.

Herlitz, A., & Hassoun, N. (2019) Climate change and sustainable development: How to think about justice between states and individuals. In Kanbur, R., & Shue, H. (eds.). Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy. Oxford University Press.

Herlitz, A., Ferkany, M., Newham, R., Siebens, H., Jacobs, D., Hens, C., … & Dierickx, K. (2019) Cluelessness and rational choice: the case of effective altruism. Ethical Perspectives, 26(3), 397-400.

Heyward, C. (Forthcoming 2021) Is the Beneficiary Pays Principle Essential to Climate Justice. Norsk Tidshrift for Filosofi.

Heyward, C. and Lenzi., D. (2021) Armstrong on Improvement. Global Justice, Theory and Rhetoric

Heyward, C. (Forthcoming 2021) Territory, Self Determination and Climate Change: Reflections on Anna Stilz's Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration. Journal of Social Philosophy 52(1): 24-30.

Heyward, Clare (2019) Normative Issues of Geoengineering Technologies. In T. Letcher (ed.) Managing Global Warming. Academic Press.

Huseby, R. & Angell (2020) Affected Interests and Weighted Votes. Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 19 (4): 366-381.

Huseby, R. (2018). In or Out? On Benevolent Absolutisms in The Law of Peoples. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 13 (2): 154-178.

Huseby, R. (2018). Should We Relinquish or Distribute the Fruits of Injustice? The Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (2):213-225.

Huseby, R. (2019) Sufficientarianism. In William R. Thompson (ed.). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.

Huseby, R. (2019) The Luck egalitarian trilemma – Accepting exploitation? Social Theory & Practice, 45(1), 1-19.

Huseby, R. (2020) Sufficientarianism and the Threshold Question. The Journal of Ethics 24 (2): 207-223.

Jylhä, K. M., & Hellmer, K. (2020) RightWing Populism and Climate Change Denial: The Roles of Exclusionary and AntiEgalitarian Preferences, Conservative Ideology, and Antiestablishment Attitudes. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

Jylhä, K. M., Strimling, P., & Rydgren, J. (2020) Climate change denial among radical right-wing supporters. Sustainability, 12(23), 10226. 

Jylhä, K. M., Tam, K. P., & Milfont, T. L. (2020) Acceptance of groupbased dominance and climate change denial: A crosscultural study in Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Sweden. Asian Journal of Social Psychology

Jylhä, K. M.; Strimling, P. & Rydgren, J. (2020) Climate change denial among radical right-wing supporters. In Paul J. Bowman & Katharina Berndt-Rasmussen (eds.) Studies on climate ethics and future generations, vol 2. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Kolk, M. (2019) Demographic theory and population ethics– relationships between population size and population growth. In Bowman, P., & Berndt Rasmussen, K. (eds.). Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations, Vol. I. Working paper series. Institute for Futures Studies.

Kolk, M. (2019) How does birth order and number of siblings affect fertility? A within-family comparison using Swedish Register Data. European Journal of Population.

Kolk, M. (2019) Weak support for a U-shaped pattern between societal gender equality and fertility when comparing societies across time, Demographic Research, 40:27-48.

Kolk, M. (2021) Demographic theory and population ethics in Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Tim Campbell, & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Kolk, M. (Forthcoming) Government transfers to parents and population policy in a global perspective: An economic demographic approach Journal of Development Studies.

Kolk, M., Barclay, K., & Molitoris, J. (2019) When birth spacing does and does not matter for child survival: An international comparison using the DHS. Demography.

Kuylenstierna, J., Hermansson, C., Bäckstrand, K., Eckerberg, K., Kåberger, T., Rummukainen, M., ... & Sörlin, S. (2021). Klimatpolitiska rådets rapport 2021.

Loi, M., Herlitz, A, & Heidari, H. (2019) A Philosophical Theory of Fairness for Prediction-Based Decisions. Available at SSRN 3450300.

Lundgren, B., & Stefánsson, H. O. (2020) Against the de minimis principle. Risk Analysis, 40(5), 908-914.

Marquardt, J. & Bäckstrand, K. (2021) Democracy beyond the state: Non-state actors and the legitimacy of climate governance. In B. Bornemann, H. Knappe and P. Nanz (eds) in Handbook of Democracy and SustainabilityLondon: Routledge 

McGee, J, Brent, K, McDonald, J & Heyward, C (2020) International governance of solar radiation management: does the ENMOD Convention deserve a closer look?. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 14, (4), 294-305.

Méjean, A., Pottier, A., Fleurbaey, M., & Zuber, S. (2020) Catastrophic climate change, population ethics and intergenerational equity. Climatic Change, 163(2), 873-890.

Mosquera, J. (Forthcoming) Animals and Climate Change. In Klimatetik, Linton, M. (ed.), Natur&Kultur.

Mosquera, J. (Forthcoming) Justicia intergeneracional. In Gonzalez Ricoy, I., & Queralt, J. (eds.). Manual de Filosofia Politica. Madrid: Ariel

Mosquera, J. (Forthcoming) Population Ethics and Disability. In Arrhenius, G., T. Campbell, K. Bykvist, E. Finneron-Burns (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mosquera, J. (Forthcoming) Review of Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen’s Relational Egalitarianism: Living as Equals, Utilitas.

Mosquera, J. (Forthcoming) Why Inflicting Disability is Wrong: The Mere Difference View and The Causation Based Objection. In Cureton and D. Wasserman (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Page, E. (2018). Environmental justice and sustainability. In Brown, C. and Eckersley, R. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of International Political TheoryOxford University Press.

Pickering, J., Bäckstrand, K., & Schlosberg, D. (2020). Between environmental and ecological democracy: theory and practice at the democracy-environment nexus. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 22(1), 1-15.

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